Sabtu, 13 Maret 2021


Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 – Hello sobat SMK, Pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan berbagi informasi mengenai soal uas bahasa inggris kelas xi semester ganjil. Seperti kita ketahui bersama bahwa menjelang akhir tahun di sekolah melaksanakan rutinitas kegiatan ujian akhir semester untuk menilai sejuah mana kemampuan peserta didiknya selama 1 semester.

soal uas bahasa inggris kelas xi semester 2

Pada soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI ini terdiri dari 30 soal pilihan ganda. Kami membuat artikel ini bertujuan agar bisa membantu rekan-rekan kami guru bahasa inggris yang sedang mencari referensi dalam membuat soal uas pilihan ganda bahasa inggris kelas xi semester ganjil. Berikut kami sajikan soal bahasa inggris kelas xi.

Answer these following questions by choosing a, b, c, d, or e!

1. Indah : You look unhealthy, girl.

Tina : Yes, I get a stomachache.

Indah : You should drink the medicine.

Tina : Okay. Thanks.

The underline sentence show   ...

a. Disagrement

b. Advice

c. Agreement 

d. Opinion

e. Plan 

2. Tika : I am not good in English.

Siska : ...

Complete the dialog above with an advice  ...

a. Why don’t you take an English course and practice everyday?

b. I should practice English everyday.

c. I must take an English course.

d. Do you like English?

e. You must sleep often.

3. You should      ...      topast the test.

a. Studying hard

b. Studied hard

c. Study hard

d. Studying

e. Studied 

4. Woman: "    ...    to the party tonight?"

Man : "You’d better wear the dress that you wore to the prom last month. It looks wonderful on you."

a. What are you going to wear.

b. Can I recommend something to wear.

c. Do you have something to wear.

d. What do you think I should wear.

e. Which dress could you wear

5. In the above dialog, the woman    ...

a. Asks the man for a suggestion

b. Agrees with the man’s suggestion

c. Gives the man a suggestion

d. Disagrees with the man’s suggestion

e. Asks the man about his party

6. In the above dialog, the man    ...

a. Asks the woman for a suggestion 

b. Agrees with the woman’s suggestion 

c. Gives the woman a suggestion 

d. Disagrees with the woman’s suggestion 

e. Invites the woman to a party

7. Which of the following is used to ask for a suggestion?

a. What should I do?

b. I think you shouldn't do that.

c. I don't think so.

d. I think you should ask

e. Let’s take his advice.

8. I lose my phone. What ...     I do now?

a. Had better

b. Better

c. Did

d. Do

e. Should

soal pilihan ganda bahasa inggris kelas xi

9. The event was made by   ...

a. The school

b. The government

c. The authority

d. Personal 

e. The student organization

10. Independence day of Indonesia is celebrated on    ...

a. August 7th

b. August 17th 

c. August 27th

d. April 21st

e. April 1st

11. The contestant can ask thisinformation to ….

a. The student organization 

b. Headmaster

c. The captain of the class

d. The teacher

e. Their friends

12. Tina : I think out city is saved from the virus. So we can go around.

Elisa : I don’t think so.    ...     our city is not saved. We must stay at home.

a. In my opinion

b. She forgets it

c. See you next time

d. You know it

e. I am thinking of thevirus

13. Liana : Film of Kartini it’s so inspiring. What do you think abaout the film of Kartini?

Tika : I think   ...

a. Let’s go.

b. Thank you, Kartini.

c. You forget Kartini day.

d. I can’t hear you call Kartini.

e. I love Kartini’s film, it’s so inspiring me too.

14. Bowo : I feel very tired.

Dio : I think   ...    . don’t leave the bed if it is not necessary.

a. You can see the Doctor tonight.

b. You should take a rest.

c. I will take you to the hospital.

d. You must dance.

e. I must sleep now.

15. Rita : What do you think of the cake?

Intan : It’s really delicious. I love it.

From the dialog above, Rita is   ...

a. Requesting for attention

b. Giving an opinion

c. Asking an opinion

d. Asking for help

e. Giving help

16. Aristy : I’ve problem with my phone. What’s your idea?

Dita :    ...

Aristy : That’s good idea.

a. I think you should buy the new one.

b. That’s not my business.

c. Making a call is easy.

d. I don’t know nothing.

e. I will call you.

soal pas bahasa inggris kelas xi semester ganjil

17. Why do people read?

a. Everyone does it because he/she has nothing to do.

b. Some people read to practice their voice.

c. They want to show off their knowledge.

d. Some people do it for a living, some for learning, some for knowledge, and some for pleasure.

e. Some people read because they see others doing so.

18. According to paragraph 2, who reads for knowledge?

a. Students

b. Workers

c. Businessmen and politicians

d. Housewives and daughters

e. Newsreaders

19. Good books are sometimes expensive. What can people do to minimize the cost?

a. Borrow books from libraries

b. Make a copy of the books

c. Read the books at the bookstore

d. Wait patiently until sale season

e. Buy second books

20. What is the advice that the writer gives to the readers?

a. To travel to big cities

b. To meet publishers

c. To buy a newspaper

d. To buy expensive books

e. To borrow books from libraries

21. “Books lovers can take this opportunity” (last sentence of paragraph 4), we can say it in other word …

a. Books lovers can be taken by this opportunity.

b. Books lovers can be took by this opportunity.

c. This opportunity can be taken by books lovers.

d. This opportunity can be took by books lovers.

e. This opportunity can be take by books lovers.

Soal pilihan ganda bahasa inggris kelas xi semester ganjil

22. What does Aldy’s problem?

a. He lost his mother’s wallet.

b. He lost his mother’s phone.

c. He lost his money.

d. He lost his mother’s money.

e. He lost his wallet.

23. Why Aldy does not agree with Ranny’s opinion?

a. Because he afraid his mother angry.

b. Because his mother buy new phone.

c. Because he is happy.

d. Because his mother is sad.

e. Because he will look for the money.

24. What is the best way to solve Aldy’s problem?

a. Aldy must buy new wallet.

b. Aldy should apologize to his mother.

c. Aldy will look for the money.

d. Aldy should sleep earlier.

e. Aldy must go home now. 

25. Anita : look at the views. What do you think about the river?

Nita : I think   ...

a. Yes, good.

b. I can swim.

c. It is amazing.

d. We go fishing.

e. I can do nothing.

26. Dika : How do you feelthe temperature here?

Ricki :    ...

Toni : I think so. We need to open all windows.

a. Good weather.

b. Nice weather.

c. Good job.

d. So hot here.

e. Yes, I believe. 

27. Alisa :    ...    about the English test?

Dita : It’s too hard to do.

a. In your opinion

b. What your opinion

c. When do you attend?

d. Are you sure?

e. Would you agree that  ...?

soal uas bahasa inggris kelas xi semester ganjil

28. What does the purpose of the text?

a. To offer something

b. To invite people to an event

c. To inform about event

d. To express personal greeting

e. To give direct information

29. What party does  they held? 

a. Farewell party

b. Birthday party

c. Anniversary party

d. Newborn party

e. Wedding party

30. What day does it happen?

a. monday

b. friday

c. saturday

d. Thursday 

e. Sunday 

Demianlah artikel tentang soal pilihan ganda bahasa inggris kelas xi semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 dan jawabannya. Semoga bisa bermanfaat untuk para pengunjung blog kami ini. Terimakasih sudah membaca artikel kami.

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